Версия 7.1.08 (22/01/2025)
(VLS5022) The ‘Next page’ and ‘Previous page’ keys no longer create an exception in the timing management child windows.
(VLS5015) In filtered mode, the recalculation of a competitor's ranking does not count him twice for the total counts.
Ubidium decoder added to Race Result.
Race Result webservice, handling of identification errors and exceeding the limit of 10 token requests every 10 minutes.
Minor correction for index searches in the minimum times per intermediary.
Protection key: the green circle is no longer displayed if no key is connected.
Other corrections and optimisations.
Версия 7.1.05 (04/12/2024)
Note: The channel numbers for Race Result's Decoder and USB Timing Box have changed in the software, see article : http://vola.fr/en/timing/kb/article/1015-definition+des+canaux+(decodeur+rrs,+usb+timing+box) for the new definition.
(VLS4786) Added insertion of a pause in the start list.
(VLS4921) The fields for the start list and classification editions of a parallel event round are displayed.
(VLS3245) Added the use of the RRS decoder via api Race Result.
(VLS4743) Added cell doubling of channels in stopwatch parameters.
(VLS4759) Add Chronos stopwatch from Lympik.
(VLS4773) The maximum size of the ‘Category’ competitor field is 30 characters.
Status reasons are displayed in the round ranking edition.
The import of stopwatch information is deactivated in parallel events.
Protective key: the green circle is no longer displayed if no key is connected.
Correction of the wrong column that was resizing instead of the competitor column on the inters and finish in the timing window.
(VLS4906) Finish and start impulses can be cancelled for 99 seconds instead of 9.
(VLS4813) Addition of minimum time tests for a configuration with looping on intermediaries or the finish.
Next competitors grid: The competitor names column is extended to take up the full width of the available space and makes the optional field appear.
(VLS4866) Correction of the error when the translation window is opened by the user.
Added Microgate ReiPRO, RTpro and HiLink stopwatches.
(VLS4728) The recalculation of the ranking after the modification of a competitor or the opening of the timing with a filter list has been optimised.
(VLS4402) Alge Timy: the re-download algorithm is no longer activated by default because it only works in PC Timer mode.
(VLS4611) The number of competitors processed is not limited to the competitors in the filters.
Addition of the ITS Chrono TM550 stopwatch.
Addition of ITS Cobra and Atom decoders.
(VLS4782) Replacement of the DQP icon in the timing window.
Italian and Polish translations updated.
Added missing translations.
SQLite 3.46.1 update.
Other corrections and optimisations.
Версия 7.1.01 (29/05/2024)
The old key encryption system has been abandoned in favor of a subscription model.
The program is now only compatible with 64-bit architecture.
RGPD: Competitors who do not wish to have their personal data distributed will have an X displayed instead.
Four additional languages.
(VLS4705) Added three different layouts for Display.
(VLS2642) Added customizable competitor status table.
(VLS3274) Added option to import competitors with status when preparing start list.
(VLS3277) Added a time bonus field similar to the penalty field.
(VLS3491) Added classification by adding sector times.
(VLS4067) Added an option in run editing to display timing data for unclassified competitors.
(VLS4618) Ranking edition, added option to display only competitors taken into account for ranking calculation.
(VLS4162) Miscellaneous edition, text is justified according to user choice.
(VLS4720) Addition of the column 'Average times of x best runs' to the event ranking.
(VLS4315) Competitors are correctly placed in the start list after a bibo has been applied.
(VLS4376) Added event timing booklet.
(VLS4268) Alge TED2 stopwatch added.
(VLS4635) ITS Chrono TM550 stopwatch added.
(VLS4166) Microgate REI2, REIPRO: Add print to paper strip.
(VLS4629) Chronelec Protime Elite: custom UDP port applied.
Added intermediate speed support for MyLaps X2 and Tranx 3, Alge MT1, Race Results USB Timing Box and TrackBox, Faro.
Changing filter parameters does not change the filter title if the title has been changed manually.
Several filters can be deleted simultaneously from the filter list.
(VLS4734) Polish translation updated.
(VLS4420) VC Redist 2015x64 added for PCs that are not already up to date.
Updated Vola-Aid remote control.
SQLite 3.45.1 update.
DynaPDF 4.0 update.
Other fixes and optimizations.
Версия 6.1.18 (20/09/2023)
(VLS4317) Updated communication protocol (TLS 1.2) with the Alge-Results server.
It is possible to send the list of competitors and the ranking after a round directly to Publish from the editions window via the button "Export" then "Export to Publish".
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версия 6.1.17 (26/07/2023)
(VLS4236) For the timing parameters "Timing measurement (parallel track)" and "timing = Parallel measurement", finish time and reaction time data are sent.
(VLS4201) It is possible to send a PDF file directly to Publish from the editing window (start list and event ranking) via the "Export" button and then "Export to Publish".
(VLS4128) Searching for a competitor by bib number in the timing window works for classification by category.
(VLS4032) Scoreboard: For the type of information to be displayed "Competitor's time to beat", two options are available. A "In run / Finish" display with a time limit after the competitor's arrival or a "Permanent" display.
MyLaps X2: Transponder power output is displayed on a 256-point scale.
The internal time base no longer depends on Windows time. this avoids possible jumps if the clock time is modified (e.g. (e.g. automatic via NTP).
SQLite 3.41.2 update.
Added missing translations.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версия 6.1.16 (03/04/2023)
(VLS3970) Start list edition, the first row of a subdivided column is no longer trimmed.
(VLS3993) When importing timing data offline from an ALGE Timy device, the software do not check for ascending ordered timing impulse numbers.
(VLS4030) Editing of rankings (Timing and Results tabs), the status of DNS, DSQ and DNF competitors is specified when the competitors are included in the ranking.
The Roman numerals numbers are capitalized for the "Format a field" feature First letter in upper case".
Traduction corrections.
Other corrections and optimisations.
Версия 6.1.15 (25/01/2023)
(VLS3851) Translation correction.
(VLS3794) Correction of the bug related to modification of information in run management (parallel track measurement, timing: parallel measurement.
(VLS3788) Correction of the bug in the edition of the ranking of the run in the timing window.
(VLS3683) The new impulse data are sent before the sector time result.
Версия 6.1.14 (04/01/2023)
(VLS3462) Fix bug with displaying the ranking in the timing window.
(VLS3472) Update of Catalan and Spanish language files.
(VLS3524) Correction of the restoration of filters with 3 conditions.
(VLS3545) Correction of the height of the time import window.
(VLS3564) Modification of the time correction field of the stopwatch
(format HH:MM:SS.dcm).
(VLS3703) The creation of the start list no longer freezes if a competitor is missing from a pool.
Correction of the background color and the title font.
Adjustment of the background color of the lines of the scoreboard scenarios.
Modal windows are replaced if they are over the screen or are covered by the taskbar.
Avoids a saving error if a text data has an apostrophe.
Fix: Duplication of DNQ list when printing results.
Fix: Display championship menu
Fix: Scoreboard display of time to beat per event.
ALGE Timy: Better management of disconnection detection if several Timy are connected.
Vola VT Decoder: Races can be timed beyond 24h00.
Added support for Agil IMHP870 timers : master mode, radio 1 to 4, pulse synchronization and RF.
(VLS2638) Added start time for displaying start lists.
(VLS2641) It is possible to generate Qr codes to access the document on Publish-Pro.
(VLS3218) The time at intermediates is based on the first time of the best of the respective filter.
(VLS2845) The re-downloaded sequences take the first missed impulse and the new generated impulse.
(VLS2178) FDS Timing: TBox support.
(VLS2964) ALGE Timy : Added an option to not monitor and re-download missed sequential.
(VLS3031) Support of the terms Mädchen & Knaben for the import of the sexes.
(VLS3212) Scoreboards : Reactivation of events after a status.
(VLS3215) Alge D-RTNM : Change to 48 characters.
(VLS3283) Modal windows are now impacted by the Windows zoom.
(VLS3397) The filter is applied on the run ranking in the start list edition.
Several improvements in the positioning of window components: alignments, centering...
The stopwatch configuration window is now always centered. Improvements in the management of the side menus.
Championship: the number of rounds taken into account limits the addition of points.
Translation of the championship parameters buttons.
Translation of the insertions in the vertical menu.
Correction of the menu headers that change color when the mouse hovers.
Optimization of the speed of insertion of new data.
Acceleration of the display of the stopwatch window.
Avoids displaying a check mark on a menu header.
Added the FDS Timing MLed scoreboard.
The column header of the import is green or red.
Update SQLite 3.40.0. Update of the signature certificate of the application.
(VLS3707) Update of the protection key driver (v8.51), update of the installation program (v6.1).
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версия 6.1.12 (31/08/2022)
(VLS3438) Fixed error on print window for run results.
(VLS3439) Correction of the taskbar icon.
Other alignment and component display fixes.
All menus can now fold.
The menu title is drawn in the correct color.
SQLite 3.39.2 update.
Версия 6.1.10 (25/07/2022)
- Translation corrections
- Added support for the ID driver with the new X2
- Trackbox/decoder RaceResults RRS : 24h00 corrections
- Other corrections and improvements
- Correction of the status when opening the timing window
- Display of the time to beat according to the selected filters
Версия 6.1.08 (07/07/2022)
Added links to the vola.fr site for the home software.
Added Timestamp-Msports-Pro and Publish-Msports-Pro in the verification of the latest versions.
Timestamp: Accesses are done on a separate queue from the main interface.
The connection to the server is restored indefinitely.
Correction of the encoding of accents for the chat.
Better management of the disconnection to the server when closing the timing window.
The connection timeout of the race direction is reduced to 32 seconds to allow a faster detection of a connection loss.
Passwords are now simplified: a simple text identifier for the position and a three-digit key.
The message to modify the information in case of a disconnected timestamp is displayed only once.
(VLS3183) Correction of the management of unique numbers in tables.
(VLS3286) Display of the time to beat according to the selected filters.
(VLS3290) Correction of the status when opening the timing window.
(VLS3242, VLS274) Race Results Decoder RRS : Races can be timed beyond 24h00, in GPS mode or not.
Race Results USB Timing Box/Track Box : Races can be timed beyond 24h00.
Alge MT1 > Races can be timed beyond 24h00.
(VLS3289) Added three different sets of colors for the windows: light, medium, dark.
Several improvements in the positioning of window components: alignments, centering...
Correction of menu headers that change color on mouse over.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версия 6.1.07 (26/04/2022)
- (VLS2394) Addition of a ranking according to the minimum distance between the x best heats
- (VLS2513) Drop down menu are managed by sub menu and not by level
- (VLS2552) Management of the preparation of the starting list from the classification of a championship
- (VLS2557) Added saving and restoring menus for championships
- (VLS2671) Correction of the display of ranked names in timing mode
- (VLS2922) Modification of the management of the classification lists by filter
- (VLS3094) Closing of the championships when the language is changed
- Update of the english translations
- Change of the color display
- Fixed destruction of scoreboards when closing the timing window which could lead to an access violation
- Improved vertical menu management
- Adding the management of the ranking of a championship when importing championship data
- Suppression of the insertion menu in championship mode
- Management of the translation of the buttons in the championship parameters
- Adding the blocking of the import of a competitor with an already assigned number
- Management of the translation of the vertical insertion menu in the list display
- EMIT ETS2 decoder support
- RACE RESULT USB TIMING BOX : Channels start at index 1 instead of 0
- RACE RESULT Track Box : Added alphanumeric character management for transponders
- RACE RESULT Track Box : Addition of direct management of race numbers via the web service
- RACE RESULT Track Box : Addition of a possible time difference in seconds
- MT1 ALGE : Correction of the sending of a wrong frame at the beginning of a serial communication
- MT1 ALGE: Correction of bib number reception in serial communication
- MT1 ALGE: Correction of time reception in non-sequential mode in serial communication
- MT1 ALGE : Correction of the syncrhonisation display when using Alge-Results
- TMY ALGE : Correction of time reception by radio signal
Версия 6.1.04 (19/08/2021)
-Changed some old icons.
-Updated languages : Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Polish, English.
-Fixed a bug on the MT1.
-Change of colors to darker.
-Fixed a bug in "Edit language file" that did not allow translation of all strings in the program
-Fixed the bug that occurs when opening Msports-pro.
Версия 6.1.02 (02/07/2021)
-Integration of the ALGE, MT1 API.
-Spanish language update.
-Catalan language update.
-English language update.
Версия 6.1.00 (11/03/2021)
-New design of the application: simplified interface, menus are developped, title simplified, accessibles in fewer clics, new home page which presents the software suite.
-Update of Polish language
-Update of Spanish language
-Update of Catalan language
-Update of Czech language
(VLS8)Import of complete start and finish histories
(VLS1054)Counting of 2 heats out of 3 + heat 4
(VLS631) Fixed bug "Addition of points is in a decimal format"
(VLS630) Team ranking in a championship with increasing points.
-Scoreboard : Up to 46 lines maximum.
-Scoreboard : Add of data after an intermediairte position, it display data depending on the loop number instead of a competitor start number.
-Adding scoreboard scénario examples in config folder.
-Optimisation oaf reading data in database.
-Up to 200 championship slots.
-New font management for subtitle handling.
-New beta mode.
-Moving a line in starting list move the starthour too.
-Fix of font and colors in labels creation.
-Edits can now be divided by up two 8 columns.
-Automatic height adjustment of import windows
-Opening the calendar displays the list of competitors after the import
-Switching of the Vola logo in red mode for editions,
-Supports Windows zoom on impressions.
-Print: Change the management of column width based on 100%.
-Competitors management: competitors list is refreshed after an update from a file.
-Correction of the creation of competitors without code.
-Addition of the Microsoft Visual 2015 library in the installation pack.
-Configuration d'un chronomètre : affichage plus rapide de la fenêtre.
-Configuration d'un chronomètre : affichage plus rapide de la fenêtre.
-Addition of data "Event : after a status change : Did Not Finish", "Event : after a status change : Did Not Start", ... for each status. Addition of text "DNF" in case of Did Not Finish in the default scoreboard scenarios.
-Update of the library SQLITE 3.33.3 for databases
-Competitors window: simplification of search fields, added buttons "Next" and "Previous".
-Sort order, for example for bibs: for compeitor fields of type liste, the ascneding order is the alphabetic order of the strings of the list, instead of their order in the list.
-Filter list: if an empty filter list is applied, this empty list is recorded for next filter list.
-Filter list: replacement of button "Options" with two buttons: "Delete the list" and "Create a list based on a Competitor Field".
-Assign bibs, option to sort according to competitor fields: windows Sort order and Filter List have been collected together.
-Import from a File: an option renamed: Delete: Characters ".
-Competitors, withdrawal of the menu: Duplicate the selected competitor.
-Clarification of the option: Maximum gap for all runs.
-Starting List: withdrawal of menu "Prepare according to a championship".
-Competitors: separation between menus Import from and Update from.
-Starting List: reorganistion of starting list preparation menus: in order to collect menus preparing from another event after menus preparing from the same event.
-Window Directories, new option to display the menu bar or not. Pressing the Alt key activates this option and the menu bar remains displayed when executing a menu.
-Main window, menu Help, Documentation: addition of a User guide.
Версия 5.0.08 (03/07/2018)
- (VLS671) Correction of the restoration of an event.
Версия 5.0.07 (25/06/2018)
Версия 5.0.06 (07/06/2018)
- (VLS643) Correction of non-ANSI characters when recording a list of filters: no defined codepage for UTF8 encoding of data stored in text file.
Версия 5.0.05 (23/05/2018)
- Protection key: update of the Sentinel Pro library version 1.8.
Версия 5.0.04 (20/04/2018)
- (VLS611) Update of language and help files in Polish.
- New CLang compiler: faster execution.
- (VLS66) Timing Parameters: add the x best runs.
- (VLS237) Timing devices: the AMB decoders are now named MYLAPS.
- (VLS314) Edits with two lines of data by competitor: correction of the loading of second lines from a .EDF edit file.
- Correction of the display of a single icon on the task bar when the timing window is opened instead of 2 icons formerly.
- (VLS324) - Menu Help, Report a technical request: a clickable window Informs of the procedure for a technical request.
- Menu Help: new submenu Remote control.
- Menu Local configuration, Folders: added new bouton "Share without password". This button displays the control panel opened at the page of advanced sharing settings so that the user can check the very last option "Password protected option". This option must be turned off for using optionnal connected applications: Live-, Display-, Video-, Clips-, etc..
- (VLS336) Update of Italian language file.
- (VLS349) Speed measurement: correction of the gap display in edits.
- (VLS438) Championship: correction of the english standard text in the page footer.
- (VLS552) Parallel measurement: added a check avoiding to enter the current event number as the qualification event number.
- (VLS557) Freeform header: restoration of the possibility to modify the size, style and police of characters.
- (VLS574) .ODS files importation: correction of the error message when there is no spreadsheet application installed.
- (VLS595) Runs taken into consideration: correction of the checkbox for run 10.
- (VLS596) In timing: option Live/Display: possibility to set up to 20 rounds.
- Timing devices configuration: clarification of the positionning of speed measurement channels.
- New possibility to mesure speed on the finish line. Possibility to display this speed in run ranking edits and on Live- and Display-.
Версия 5.0.02 (19/04/2018)
Версия 5.0.02 (19/04/2018)
Версия 4.0.33 (21/03/2017)
-Improvements in network access management (timing devices and optional software).
-Fixed a bug when using Msports-Pro with Video-Msports-Pro through network.
-Update SQLite 3.17.0.
-Parallel: Option to count only the last round.
-Parallel: No confirmation of the application of the gap limit.
-Scoreboard: The starting number is based on the order of the starting list and not on the current order.
Версия 4.0.32 (18/11/2016)
In "Competitor management", "Options" button, "Bib number assignment" menu: If you confirm with "OK" and there are no competitors without a bib: Display a confirmation request window.
Correction of the error message when opening the "Modify information" window
"Timekeeping" window: Any competitor who already has a status or has taken the start can be presented again at the start by double-clicking in the list of competitors waiting at the start.
Версия 4.0.31 (09/11/2016)
Importing the gender field starting with U imports men (italian)
IP connections are checked every 25 seconds after the last communication.
Fixed an error during initialization of the PTB.
Updated SQLite 3.15.0.
Update 8.34 ISC
Версия 4.0.28 (29/03/2016)
- Update of library Sqlite 3.11.0
- Alge Timy : Threading of inputs and outputs when using USB.
- Scoreboard-Pro : accentuated chars are sent to scoreboard.
- Correction of save when exiting untraited window.
Версия 4.0.27 (29/03/2016)
- Update of library Sqlite 3.11.0
- Alge Timy : Threading of inputs and outputs when using USB.
- Scoreboard-Pro : accentuated chars are sent to scoreboard.
- Correction of save when exiting untraited window.
Версия 4.0.27 (05/02/2016)
- Correction of start list preparing options regression.
Версия 4.0.26 (01/02/2016)
- Scoreboard-Pro : Correction of running time sending.
- Print of an heat during the timing : prefill the « From place n° » to 1.
- Others little minors corrections.
Версия 4.0.25 (15/01/2016)
With Timing Parameters set to "Time measurement (parallel tracks)" with the "Parameters" set to "Timing : = Parallel measurement", the timing window now opens without error: as there are no time of days recorded the control of the number of time of days has been withdrawn.
Версия 4.0.24 (05/10/2015)
Remove of timing window denied access if no time of day was saved.
Assign bib : you can now add an offset.
Версия 4.0.23 (22/09/2015)
Correction status caption position.
Import of net time from a timing device : DSQ and DNF are now imported for TagHeuer CP540, Alge Timy/Timy2/Timy3 and TDC8000/8001.
New possibility to set competitors status register on the starting list to DNS.
Offline Timing : You can now unload data from ALGE Timy/Timy2/Timy3 et ALGE TDC8000/8001.
Window "Modify Data" : in Free Mode, an alert message is shown if you pass the 10 times limits.
Setup and software are now digitally signed by Vola.
Others littles corrections and otimizations.
Версия 4.0.22 (20/08/2015)
BeChronized: timing delay when time zone changes.
Added option to not use acknowledgments
Версия 4.0.21 (18/08/2015)
Correction of running on start lists and at intermediates when a bib request window is open
Update of command icons in the timing window.
Mylaps X2: pre-pass transponders are no longer taken into account.
Correction of time format to export to Excel.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
Версия 4.0.19 (10/07/2015)
- Correction of printing for parallel editions.
Версия 4.0.18 (08/07/2015)
COM port number to 256 maximum.
Changes to the procedure for connecting the scoreboard COM port for the timing input.
Correction of edits in parallel mode.
Версия 4.0.14 (14/04/2015)
The timing settings window is centered correctly.
Calculating a time without starting time is now disabled.
Версия 4.0.12 (02/04/2015)
Decoders: System Integration Mylaps XE2.
Fixed an initialization to avoid the subscription subscription message when closing general settings.
Fixed initialization information panels in Timestamp-pro timing.
Added ability to add a correction on hours returned by a stopwatch.
Parallel: start list divided into series.
Scoreboard / Parallel: Start list: add the given "competitor Result ...".
Scoreboard / Parallel: Consideration of the display time for data "After arriving ...".
Версия 4.0.11 (16/02/2015)
Integration of Race Results decoders.
Fixed generation in speed mode handle rankings.
Reactivation fields disabled in demo mode.
Correction of intermediate configuration error.
Added ability to print two lines of data per competitor in the editions.
Recovery of the data Net Time for proof rankings.
Adding a control to avoid simultaneous writes to the database.
Версия 4.0.08 (02/12/2014)
correction of a problem of authentification with Timestamp Msports-Pro
Версия 4.0.07 (28/08/2014)
- You can introduce a competitor at an intermediate even if he is not waited.
- Add of the virtual timing device Video Finish Pro.
- Data sent by the timing device are not saved in database before printing result on it.
- Alge Timy: now supports from channels c4 to c8.
- Championships: points with comma are now well displayed.
- TAG Heuer PTB: the dll is not correctly loaded.
- Net times in handicap mode are now displayed without any handicap.
Версия 4.0.04 (28/07/2014)
- Timing devices and scoreboards sorted by alphabetical order.
- Correction of an initialising error for PTB 605/606.
Версия 4.0.03 (17/06/2014)
- Translations: update of italian language.
- Scoreboard: creation of a scoreboard menu for the sending to Scoreboard-Pro.
- Scoreboard: creation of an off-line mode which enables to send data to the scoreboard out of the timing mode.
- Scoreboard data: add of the speed after an intermediate.
- Scoreboard data: add of speeds at intermediates after a finish.
- Scoreboard data: simplification of formatting: addition of a suffix and prefix.
- Scoreboard data: mass start : running time of the race with or without stop at the first classified competitor.
- Scoreboard data: addition of competitors data after an intermediate.
- Parallel races: the speeds are now possible at each intermediates.
- Timing devices: possibility to use up to 9 timing devices.
- Sectors: the names of sectors and intermediates are now editable and reported on the edits and on Live-Msports-Pro et Display-Msports-Pro.
- Timing accuracy: new function allowing for rounding the times with the selection of different methods: Truncation / Round near / Round-up.
- Edits: addition of nation flags (in .BMP and .PNG).
- Provisional Ranking in Timing mode: possibility to choose from which rank to print the ranking.
- Software protection: withdrawal of the line "Live-Msports-Pro" which does not depend on the protection key. Addition of footers and explanations.
- Rankings: integration of handicap races, the times are calculated in relation with a coefficient given to each competitor.
- Rankings: integration of ranking from the average time.
- Rankings: possibility to include the non classified at the end of the ranking.
- Rankings: new option to print the status instead of the net time.
- Rankings: new option to print the footers of the status at the bottom of the page.
- On-line publication of results: possibility to export directly to the web (www.live-results.org).
- TimeTronics: possibility to chain up to 4 scoreboards.
- Timing / Live / Display: it is now possible to apply a filter list on the ranking instead of only one filter.
- Timestamp-Msports-Pro: addition of the function Timestamp (web application for transmission of timing datas via Vola servers).
- Runs: by default all runs are taken into account for the ranking.
Версия 3.0.13 (09/05/2013)
Scoreboard Timetronics: optimisations of the display protocol.
Версия 3.0.12 (27/02/2013)
Timing devices ALGE: support of channels c0, c1, etc. Correction of what is printed on the paper band of the Timy.
Spreadsheet files: possibility to import from OpenOffice Calc .ODT files (besides Office Excel .XLS files).
Timing devices: support of the timing device ProTime Elite 3.
Microgate: the channel “AUX” on the Timing Device Racetime 2 is now recognized as number 4.
TimeTronics: new support for matrix LED scoreboards. Force clear scoreboard before start.
Версия 3.0.11 (23/08/2012)
Addition of the statuses NC, DNP, EXCL and DNC.
ALGE: support of the timing device Timer S4.
ALGE: support of the MultiChannel 18.
ALGE: possibility to operate the D-Line scoreboard in mode.
Competitors lists: improvement of search functionnalities (up and down arrows).
Версия 3.0.08 (08/06/2012)
Timing Devices: Support of the new ORION CERES Decoder.
Версия 3.0.07 (07/06/2012)
Default run name update.
Update of the field “Last Name + First Name” in the Labels printing.
Timing devices: ALGE Timy, Timy2, TDC8000/8001 operate with -0.1sec. TED correction.
Версия 3.0.06 (31/01/2012)
Scoreboard: support for ALGE D-Line.
Timing devices: ALGE Timy and Timy2 operate for more than 20 impulses.
Language updates: update for Russian, Catalan, Spanish.
And a few other improvements …
Версия 3.0.04 (28/09/2011)
Edits: After a run / Event Ranking / Event Analysis: speed available for each run.
And a few other improvements…
Версия 3.0.00 (06/09/2011)
Two new protection modes:
– <Free>: you can use the software for free. No control is applied.
– <Extended>: all features of <Msports-Pro> can be used with an encryption key.
– For more details see: "Msports-Pro (ENG) Differences Free and Extended.pdf".
Timing parameters: Runs taken into consideration:
– Increase of possible run number : up to twenty runs in one event.
– Possibility to enter the distance (km / miles) for each run in order to calculate speed.
Scoreboard: support of Adaptive AlphaEclipse lines 128x16 and 96x16.
Championships: addition of the possibility to remove a championship.
Edit: Event Analysis: addition of the possibility to sort competitors according to their ranking.